Using Sheet Component in Visualforce

The created sheet can be displayed as a component in any Visualforce page. Deployed components can also control their behavior from Visualforce pages via scripts.

To place a Sheet component on a Visualforce page, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a Visualforce page and add SheetView component as shown below.

  // ...
    id="(Component ID)"
    bookId="(Book ID)"
    sheetId="(Sheet ID)"

Attributes that can be specified for the SheetView component are as follows.

  • id - Visualforce component ID to display

  • bookId - ID of the book to display. The value of book ID can be referred to from sheet setting. (required)

  • sheetId - ID of the sheet to display. The sheet ID value can be referred to from the sheet setting. If not specified, all the sheets included in the book are displayed in tabs.

  • recordId - ID of the context record. This ID value is used as the "Context Record ID" of the ID filter.

  • width - Width of the component. You can specify it by pixel or percent.

  • height - Height of the component. You can specify it by pixel or percent.

  • sldsAssetResourceRoot - The directory URL where Salesforce Lightning Design System asset files are stored. Supposing these asset files are uploaded in static resources. If it is not specified it will use default system SLDS files.

  • sldsStylesheetPath - CSS file path in SLDS asset resource file directory. If it is not specified it will use assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system-vf.min.css as the default value.

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