Sheet Setting - Filter

In the "Filter" tab, you can update and confirm the filter setting for displaying records.

  • [A] Show me – Specify the target of the record to display in the sheet. Choose one of the following:

    • All Records - Target all accessible records in the organization

    • My Records - Target records owned by logged-in users

  • [B] List of Applied Filters – The list of filter information currently applied is displayed which comes from the filter setting of the columns included in the sheet.

You can manipulate each filter from the filter menu displayed in the list of filters.

  • [C] Edit Filter - Displays the "Filter Settings" dialog where you can change the filter settings for the column. See "Filter" for details.

  • [D] Disable Filter - Allows you to temporarily disable the filter. Disabled filters are shown in light gray.

  • [E] Clear Filter - Allows you to clear the filter.

Filter Group

From the list of applied filters, you can create a new filter group. A filter group applies a filter by combining multiple filters as a group, subject to satisfying any one of the filters contained in the same group.

To create a new filter group, follow these steps:

  1. From the list of applied filters, select the filter you want to add to a filter group and select "Create New Group" from the menu [a].

  2. A filter group is created in the filter list and the selected filter is displayed in the group [b].

  3. From the list of applied filters, select the filter you want to add to the created filter group and select the name in the "ADD TO GROUP" list in the menu [c].

  4. The filter is added and displayed in the filter group [d].

  5. Repeat steps 3 - 4 for the number of filters you want to add to the group

  6. Press the "Save" button.

  7. On the column headers, numbers are displayed in the grouped filters to indicate the filter is grouped [e].

To exclude a filter from a filter group, follow these steps:

  1. From the filter displayed in the filter group, select "Remove from Group" from the filter menu to be excluded.

  2. The filter is displayed outside of the filter group. Groups with no filters are automatically deleted.

  3. Press the "Save" button.

Filter Group Restriction

Filters in a filter group have the following restrictions, depending on the column where the filter is applied.

  • Filters for different kind of columns cannot be in the same filter group. For example, a filter for a data column cannot be added to a filter group consisting of filters for field columns.

  • Even if the kind of columns are of the same field column, filters for fields through polymorphic relationships and for fields of the object linked to the sheet or through normal relationships cannot be in the same filter group.

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