Reference Value
In Mashmatrix Sheet, the "Reference Value Selection Button" is located adjacent to the input controls for various settings, allowing the user to reference runtime context-specific information such as environment variables, or values shown on other sheets.
In Mashmatrix Sheet, reference values can be used when setting the following values.
Condition value in filter (Text / ID / Advanced)
Condition value in lookup search condition
Input variables in "Start Flow" action
Using Reference Value
By clicking the Reference Value Selection button in the setting that supports reference values, the "Select Reference Value" dialog will appear, and you can select the value to reference in the dialog.
Select the type of value to be referenced from the "Reference Type [A]" in the dialog. The following types of references are currently available
Current Row - Refers to the value of the specific column of the current row (record). This option can only be selected when a reference value is requested from a Lookup Search condition or a filter in the Lookup Search dialog.
Current User - Refers to the current logged in user information.
Context Record ID – Refers to the context record's ID. See the "Customization" chapter for details on how to specify the context ID.
Sheet – Refers to the value of records displayed on the other sheet.
Form – Refers to the value of the form element of the search form in the sheet.
Parameter – Refers to the value of the parameter passed to the application by the JavaScript API, such as in the case of customizing the sheet for viewing. Please refer to the "JavaScript API" for details.
If you have selected "Current User" in Reference Type, select which user property you want to reference in User Property. The following user properties are currently supported.
User ID
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Manager ID
Profile ID
Role ID
Currency Code
Organization ID
Organization Name
When you choose "Sheet" in "Reference Type", you need to specify which sheet of data to refer to. You also need to specify which values of the records in the specified sheet are referenced.
In the "Referring Sheet [B]" field, select the sheet that contains the data to be referenced from other sheets in the same book.
In the "Key Type [C]" field, specify which value from the referring sheet should be used as the key. Choose from the following values
Record ID - Refers to the record ID of the records displayed on the sheet.
Column Value - Refers to the value of a specific column in the records displayed on the sheet.
(If you select "Column Value" in "Key Type" field) Select the column containing the key value in "Key Column [D]" field.
In the "Use Keys in [E]", specify which records in the sheet will be used as the key target. Choose from the following values:
Selected Records - Use the value of the selected records in the referring sheet as the key. The selected records are either the records on which the cursor is located or the records selected by the record selection checkbox.
All Records in Sheet - Uses the values of all the records loaded in the referring sheet as key.
Finally, by pressing the "Select" button, you can set the reference value as the value of the input. If you want to set a different value as the reference value, click the Clear Reference Value button [F].
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