Approval Request Actions
Bulk Approve/Reject
Approve / reject all approval requests related to the selected records in the sheet for those whose login user is set as the approver.
When the action is executed, the following dialog will be displayed, and you can execute approval / rejection at once.
Approve/Reject [A] – Select approve or reject the requests
Comment [B] – Input comment for approval/rejection
If there is no approval request in the selected records whose approver is set to the login user, you can not execute the collective approval / rejection action.
The following properties can be set for the "Bulk Approve/Reject" action button.
Button Label – Customize and set the label to be displayed in the button
Button Icon – Set the icon to be displayed next to the label in the button
Additional installation of "Bulk Approval Extension Package" is necessary to use the approval request actions. If you wish to use it, please let us know to the sales representative in charge.
Last updated