Custom Actions
Open URL
This action opens the specified URL in a new window. At that time, you can pass the field information of the selected records as a parameter.
The following properties can be set for the "Add to Campaign" action button.
Button Label – Customize and set the label to be displayed in the button
Button Icon – Set the icon to be displayed next to the label in the button
Page URL – Set the URL of the page to open when you press the button
By clicking the "Detail Setting" link, you can edit the detailed settings of the "Open URL" action.
URL Parameter Value Mapping (A) – Sets the mapping between the parameter passed when opening the page URL and the field name of the record. You can set multiple parameters by clicking the "Add Parameter Entry" button.
URL Request Method (B) – Specifies the HTTP method for accessing the page URL. When accessing with the GET method, the URL parameter is passed as a query string appended to the URL.
Array Value Serialization (C) – Set serialization strategy to pass field values when multiple records are selected.
Comma-separated - Passes parameters by concatenating all values with a comma (,). For example, if the parameter name is
and the field value of the selected records areAAA
, andCCC
, the format of the parameter sent to the page URL will be of the formid=AAA,BBB,CCC
.Multiplex Paramter - Send multiple URL parameters with the same parameter name. For example, if the parameter name is
and the field values of the selected records areAAA
, andCCC
, the format of the parameter sent to the page URL is of the formid=AAA&id=BBB&id=CCC
.Add Index to Paramter Name - Send the URL parameter with parameter name appended to array index. For example, if the parameter name is
and the field values of the selected records areAAA
, andCCC
, the format of the parameter sent to the page URL is of the formid[0]=AAA&id[1]=BBB&id[2]=CCC
Start Flow
This action starts a flow, which is one of the automated process features provided by the Salesforce platform. You can invoke a screen flow/automated flow created in the Flow Builder.
As screens defined in a screen flow are displayed in a dialog when the action is executed, it is possible to receive the user's input.
In addition, the information of the records selected in the sheet can be passed to the flow as an input variable. This allows you to freely create and call logic to process the selected records in batches.
The following properties can be set for the "Start Flow" action button.
Button Label – Customize and set the label to be displayed in the button
Button Icon – Set the icon to be displayed next to the label in the button
By clicking the "Detail Setting" link, you can edit the detailed settings of the "Start Flow" action.
[A] Flow API Name - Specify the API reference name of the flow to be started in the action. You can check the API reference name of the flow from the Flow Builder's property settings.
[B] Input Variable API Name - When the flow has a variable resource available as input, specify the name of that variable.
[C] Data Type - Specify the data type of the variable. Following data types can be specified.
[D] Value - Specify the value to be passed to the variable. If the data type is "Text," you can specify the value directly, or you can select a reference value. If the data type is "Number" or "Boolean", specify the value directly. When the data type is "Record", you can select from the following two options.
Selected Records - Specifies the currently selected records in the sheet as the variable value.
All Records - Specifies the all records in the sheet as the variable value.
[E] Add Input Variable - Add a row to settle the input variables.
[G] Reload records after the flow finished - Reload records in the sheet upon successful completion of the flow. Unless the next option is checked, only the selected records in the sheet will be reloaded.
[F] Reload all records in the sheet - Refresh all records in the sheet when reloading after the flow is completed. This can only be enabled if "Reload records after the flow finished" is checked.
The variable names of the variables specified in the input variables must match the variable names defined in the flow. If you specify a variable name that is not defined in the flow, or is not allowed to be used in the input, the flow execution will result in an error. Also, the data type must match the data type defined in the flow.
If you specify "Record" as the data type of the input variables, the corresponding flow variable resources must be defined with the "Allow multiple values (collection)" enabled.
Last updated