Configure Search Form

Enabling the "Form" (Search Form) on the sheet allows you to place form input elements on the toolbar at the top of the sheet for searching and narrowing down the records.

Add Form Element

To add a form element to the toolbar, follow these steps:

  1. Check the "Enable Search Form" checkbox in the Options tab of the sheet settings.

  2. A form area will appear on the toolbar at the top of the sheet with the message "Drag & drop header of the column to be searched". If you have already enabled view switch, the form area will appear to the right of the view switching control.

  3. Drag the column header of the column you wish to filter in search and drop it into the form area of the toolbar.

  4. If the data type of the column is a text type field, a pop-up menu is displayed to select how to search and compare the input value, then select an appropriate comparison method.

  5. Appropriate form elements will be added depending on the data type contained in the column.

  6. A filter will automatically be set for the dropped column, and the value of the added form element will be referenced as the filter's conditional value.

Available Form Element Types

Following types are supported as elements that can be added to a form. The type of the form element to be added depends on the data type of the dropped column.

  • Text - A form element that accepts an arbitrary keyword string for search.

    • Column Data Types: Text / Text Area / Long Text Area / ID / Email / Phone / URL etc.

  • Number - A form element that accepts numeric value for search.

    • Column Data Types: Number / Currency / Percent etc.

  • Date - A form element that accepts date input for search. You can select specific dates in the calendar, but you can also specify relative dates (e.g., today, next year, past N months, etc.)

    • Column Data Types: Date / Datetime

  • Time - A form element that accepts time value from 0:00 - 24:00 for search.

    • Column Data Types: Time

  • Checkbox - A form element that displays checkboxes and allows switching the check status.

    • Column Data Types: Checkbox

  • Picklist - A form element that lets you specify search condition by selecting options in a pull-down format. It is possible to specify single/multiple selections.

    • Column Data Types: Picklist / Multi-select Picklist

Form Elements to Specify Range

When a column with data types of Date/Datetime/Time/Number/Currency/Percent is dropped into a form area, two input form elements will be created: start (lower limit)/end (upper limit) to allow narrowing by specifying a range.

Reorder / Resize Form Elements

Now you can reorder and resize the form elements you have added. You can move elements by dragging their labels [A] and adjust their width by grabbing the resize bar [B] on the right end. You can also use the form element menu [C] to configure the detailed settings of the form element.

Edit Form Element

By clicking on the form element menu and selecting "Edit," a dialog box for changing form element settings appears, allowing you to edit the detailed settings of the form element.

  • [A] Display Label - Specifies the text string to be displayed as a label on the left side of the form element.

  • [B] Element Name - Specifies a name that is unique within the form, which is used when referring to form elements from the outside. Only alphanumeric characters and _$ are allowed as the reference name.

  • [C] Placeholder Text - Specifies the text to be displayed as a placeholder when the input field of a form element is blank. This can be specified for form elements other than checkboxes.

  • [D] Allow Multiple Selections - Can only be specified for a picklist form element. Allows multiple selections to be selected.

  • [E] Default Value (Default Selected Options/Checked by Default) - Specifies the default value/state of the form element. When the sheet is loaded for the first time or when switching views, records are queried using this default value setting.

  • [F] Edit Options - Appears only when the element is a picklist form element. Clicking on it displays the Edit Options dialog, which allows you to edit the options available for selection in the form element.

  • [G] Process as FALSE Value If Unchecked - Can only be specified for a checkbox form element. When this setting is enabled, an unchecked form element is interpreted as having a FALSE value. When this setting is not enabled, an unchecked form element is interpreted as having no value set and is excluded from the filter conditions.

Delete Form Element

Form elements can be deleted from the form by selecting "Delete" from the form element menu.

By dragging and dropping a column over a form element, you can link the column to the existing form element and share it as an input for search condition.

If you link a column to a form element, resulting in two or more columns that refer to the same form element, filters for those columns will automatically form a filter group, and records will be listed if any of the columns match the condition (OR condition). If you want to list only those records for which all of the columns satisfy the condition (AND condition), you must remove the filter group setting after linking the columns. See "Sheet Setting - Filter" for more information on filter groups.

Linkable Form Elements

Only form elements that are compatible with the data type of the column are allowed to link columns via drag-and-drop. Following is a list of form elements that can be linked for each data type.

Select Comparing Method in Linking

When linking a column to a form element, if it is not clear how to compare the conditions, a pop-up menu will appear prompting the user to select a comparing method. This setting can be changed from the column filter settings.

For Text / Text Area / Long Text Area / Email / Phone / URL Type Columns

  • Excact Match - Searches for records with a value equal to the text entered in the form element.

  • Forward Match - Searches for records with a value that starts with the text entered in the form element.

  • Partial Match - Searches for records with a value that includes the text entered in the form element.

For Number / Currency / Percent / Date / Datetime / Time Type Columns

  • Greater than / Equals to (>=) - Searches for records with a value greater than or equal to the value entered in the form element.

  • Greater than (>) - Searches for records with a value greater than the value entered in the form element.

  • Less than / Equals to (<=) - Searches for records with a value less than or equal to the value entered in the form element.

  • Less than (<) - Searches for records with a value less than the value entered in the form element.

  • Equals to (=) - Searches for records with a value equal to the value entered in the form element.

Switching Forms using View Switch

If view switching is enabled, it also includes the form element layout and settings in the view's saved contents. Therefore, switching views also allows you to change the content of the form.

If Private View is enabled and customization of forms is allowed, any user other than the book owner can create his/her own search form and save it as a Private View setting.

Customizing Forms

If "Allow Users to Customize Form" option is checked in the Options tab of the sheet settings, users other than the book owner can customize the search form for that sheet.

If "Allow Users to Customize Form" is unchecked, users other than the book owner cannot add new form elements to the sheet's forms, nor can they change settings or delete elements already added in the form.

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